Waiting List

A Waiting List Form for the academic school calendar of 2024/2025

  • Please provide first name and surname
  • Please provide first name and surname
  • Please check that your number is entered in correctly as we will contact you if or when a place becomes a available.
  • Please check that this number is correct as we will contact this number if there is no answer from the number submitted above.
  • Please state the exact course(s)/package(s) you wish to be placed on our ‘priority waiting list’ for as per how it’s listed on our website/Linktree. This means that you will be contacted FIRST before anything is advertised so you will have FIRST preference to book. Please note that it’s very important that we know the exact course(s)/package(s) you wish to be contacted for so that you get priority booking.
  • Please just state ‘Not Applicable’ if this box does not apply to you.
  • *Please expand as much as possible
  • Please provide us with Doctor’s first name and surname
  • Please provide us with all necessary details for your son or daughter’s medical condition(s) and also what needs to be done/happen in a case of emergency.
  • Please provide us with all the necessary details of any Additional Educational Needs that we need to be made aware of so that your son or daughter’s can make real progress at The Carlow Academy-this information will only be disclosed to staff who will be dealing with your son or daughter.
  • If a student must leave early, the parent/guardian should inform us via text of this at least 24 hours in advance if possible. Students can only leave at the break times in the interest of causing minimal disruption to other members and students must sign out stating a reason. If late or returning from an appointment then they must also sign in stating a reason. In the case of no notice given for either signing in or out, the parent/guardian will be contacted to validate the request. This is all in the interest of safety for your child so please give us as much notice as possible. Please read our Admission Rules for further details.