Agricultural Science-Leaving Cert Higher & Ordinary Level Information

This course provides students with everything they need to maximise their marks in the practical and written aspects of this course, covering the four strands of the new specifications:

Strand 1-scientific practicesHypothesizing
Evaluating evidence
Working safely
Strand 2-SoilsFormation and classification
Chemical properties
Physical properties
Biological properties
Strand 3– CropsPlant physiology
Strand 4-AnimalsPhysiology
System /enterprise
Animal husbandry and health

Students will be provided with detailed comprehensive notes on all of the above topics.

Coursework Information

  • Students have to complete 22 mandatory experiments in school. This course will revise these experiments when covering strand 1.
  • Students also have to complete a project that is worth 25%. This project known as the Individual Investigative Study (IIS) must be completed under the supervision of their subject teacher. However this course will provide valuable advice and guidance as the students work on their individual projects.

Leaving Certificate Exam

The Agricultural Science course has been changed and a new course has been implemented with the Leaving Cert in 2021 being the first sitting of the new course. Therefore there are no exam paper questions based on the new course, only sample questions which will be released in due course. In the notes provided, there are questions at the end of each topic and exam questions from the old course.  The new exam is made of 2 sections, Section A is short answer questions and Section B is long answer questions. It has been amended for the year 2021 to allow for an increased choice of question.

**All students must bring their own everyday classroom materials + 1A4 notes copy, 1 A4 folder and pritstick or a stapler**

**Unfortunately sharing of any equipment cannot be allowed due to the current health & safety guidelines so students must come prepared with their own materials**

Finally, EXTRA RESOURCES will be published each week on Edmodo for students to be able to study supplement course material at their own leisure outside of our tuition sessions. We would ask all members to use these digital classrooms platforms on a weekly basis to maximise their overall grade.

Agricultural Science (Scheme of Work)

The specification for Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science is set out in four strands of study and eight crosscutting themes that permeate these strands:

4 strandsCropsAnimalsSoilsScientific practices
8 themesFood production, health and safety, technology, breeding and genetics, sustainability, policy and economics, environment, nutrition.
Assessment componentPercentage
Written Short answer questionsStructured questionsSynoptic questions  75
Coursework Individual investigative study (IIS)  25

Please note that students will also be offered advice and guidance throughout the weeks as they complete their IIS in school.

1Introduction: course content, IIS project Kale
3Scientific  practices: hypothesising and experimenting Revision of 5 experiments
4Soil formation and classification Physical characteristics of soil
5Chemical characteristics of soil
6Biological characteristics of soil Revision of soil experiments
7Soil management
8Animal nutrition
9Dairy breeds, nutrition and management
10Principles of crop production and management
11Plant physiology
12Animal physiology
13Grassland characteristics and growth Sowing and reseeding
14Conservation of grass
15Milk composition, milk production and the dairy industry
16Beef breeds and beef production
17Applied plant genetics
18Sheep breeds and production
19Exam paper prep pre mocks
20Lamb production and husbandry
21Applied animal genetics
22Pig breeds, management and production
23Animal health and disease
24Scientific practices: evaluating evidence and communicating Working safely, revision of experiments
25IIS review
26Environmental impact of agriculture and markets for Irish produce
27Revision of experiments and agreed topics
28Exam paper questions
29Exam paper questions
30Exam paper questions