Scheme of Work for the Leaving Cert Higher Level French-Reading Comprehensions / Written / Grammar Grinds Sessions-Niveau Supérieur [for 5th & 6th year students]
Scheme of Work for the Leaving Cert Higher Level French-Reading Comprehensions / Written / Grammar Grinds Sessions-Niveau Supérieur [for 5th & 6th year students]
**This course covers 3 major competencies necessary for success in the Leaving Certificate Higher level French exam – the Reading Comprehensions, Written and Grammar components. The complexity of material covered is designed to reflect the demands of the Leaving Certificate in order for students to achieve their full potential by making learning French as fun and as easy as we possibly can.
NB: The Reading Comprehensions account for 30% and the Written section accounts for 25% of each Higher Level student’s overall grade
Top Tip: Learn 1-2 key verbs per week in full (by creating & then using flashcards) and aim to learn 5 new French sentence structures so approximately 30-35 new sentences per week to implement seamlessly into the written part of your exam. This will really enhance your grade but especially your ‘Written’ grade as this part of the exam causes the students to lose many marks due to perhaps misreading/misunderstanding the question or even worse not answering the actual question stated. NEVER JUST LIST LOTS OF LEARNED OFF MATERIAL AS THIS CAN BE A WASTE OF INK AND AVOID REPETITION.
We will do our best to give you high quality generic style sentences that can be easily adapted to many questions and also a very useful list of link words and synonyms to impress the examiner on the day.
‘Petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid’
= ‘Practice makes perfect’ i.e. ‘With time & effort you achieve your goals’
Please note the following important points:
**All students must bring their own everyday classroom materials + 1A4 manuscript notes copy**
**Unfortunately sharing of any equipment cannot be allowed due to the current health & safety guidelines so students must come prepared with their own materials**
Finally, EXTRA NOTES will be published each week on Edmodo for students to be able to study supplement course material at their own leisure outside of our tuition sessions. We would ask all members to use these digital classrooms platforms on a weekly basis to maximise their overall grade.
Week | Topic covered in each 1 hour 30 minute tuition session [Revision Template] |
1 | Reading Comprehension: Introduction notes to the two types of comprehensions and all the question words & strategies that students must familiarise themselves with Written: Introduction to notes/faxes/emails/letters (informal & informal)-usually an option in Q2 Grammaire: Introduction et ‘Le Genre des Noms (Les Substantifs)’ **Also each week the French Tutor will explain key grammar points & terms as they go through the reading comprehensions & written booklets/exercises & sample answers |
2 | Reading Comprehension: Test on key question words / Start past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q3]-start slow! Written: Continue notes/faxes/emails/letters (informal & informal) booklet, exercises & sample answers so students can see how to get 30/30 in this Q2 option on the day Grammaire: ‘Le Présent de l’indicatif / Les Infinitives / Les Pronoms Personnels’ |
3 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q4-Q6]-start slow! Written: Finish notes/faxes/emails/letters (informal & informal) booklet & sample answers + extra notes uploaded to Edmodo for additional study Grammaire: ‘Le Présent de l’indicatif et les verbes pronominaux’ |
4 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q3]-start slow! Written: Introduction to ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions (tested weekly)-usually seen in Q1 (which is a compulsory question with two options (a) or (b), Q3s and Q4s [so a big part of the written section] Grammaire: ‘Le présent de l’indicatif-le passé récent-le futur proche’ |
5 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q4-Q6]-start slow! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + start current affairs abstract topics (sample answers covered each week so students can see how to achieve 40/40 in Q1 and 30/30 in Q3 and/or Q4 opinion piece options on the day) Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé’ |
6 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-picking up the pace! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained) Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé’ |
7 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-picking up the pace! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained) Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé’ [End of Term 1 Grinds Sessions]-Halloween break (1 week) |
8 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-steady pace wins the race! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained) Grammaire: ‘L’imparfait’ |
9 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-steady pace wins the race! Written: Test & finish ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained)-we will return to this important register of language later! Extra notes uploaded to Edmodo for additional study Grammaire: ‘L’imparfait VS. Le Passé Composé’ |
10 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-onto a winner now! Written: Introduction to ‘Diary Entries (le journal intime)’-key notes & generic expressions (tested weekly)-usually an option in Q2 Grammaire: ‘Le Plus-que-parfait’ |
11 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-onto a winner! Written: Test & continue ‘Diary Entries’-key notes & generic expressions + start sample answers so students can see how to achieve 30/30 in this Q2 option on the day Grammaire: ‘Le Futur Simple/Proche/Passé ’ |
12 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-should be seeing real progress! Written: Test & continue ‘Diary Entries’-key notes & generic expressions + sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks all explained Extra notes uploaded to Edmodo for additional study Grammaire: ‘Le Conditionnel Simple/Passé’ |
13 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-should be seeing real progress! Written: Test & finish ‘Diary Entries’-key notes & generic expressions + sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence Grammaire: ‘L’article partitif ‘DE’ et les prépositions’ **Progress test next week: One 35 minute reading comprehension test (will be either ‘Journalistic’ or ‘Literary’ and one 25 minute written test (can be any register of language studied so far in Weeks 1-13); Total test time = 1 hour |
14 | Reading Comprehension: Test (either ‘Journalistic’ or ‘Literary’)-35 minutes Written: Test (either email/letter/opinion (abstract) piece/diary)-25 minutes [Then homework will be corrected from last week] Grammaire: ‘Le Participe Présent ; La révision ; les jeux de grammaires’ [End of Term 2 Grinds Sessions]-Christmas Holidays (2 weeks) |
15 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-mocks coming up-worth 30%! Written: Introduction to ‘Narrative Writing-story telling (le récit)’-key notes & generic expressions (tested weekly)-usually an option in Q1 compulsory section (a) or (b) worth 40 marks i.e. 10% of your overall grade-DO NOT IGNORE THIS REGISTER OF LANGUAGE! Grammaire: ‘Le Négatif’ |
16 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-mocks coming up-worth 30%! Written: Test & continue ‘Narrative Writing (le récit)’-key notes & generic expressions + start sample answers so students can see how to achieve 40/40 in this Q1 option on the day Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Simple’ |
17 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-should be perfecting these now! Written: Test & continue ‘Narrative Writing (le récit)’-key notes & generic expressions + sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks all explained Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Simple’ |
18 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-mocks NEXT WEEK-worth 30%! Written: Test & finish ‘Narrative Writing (le récit)’-key notes & generic expressions + sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks all explained Extra notes uploaded to Edmodo for additional study Grammaire: ‘Le Subjonctif’ |
19 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-orals looming; remain focused! Written: Return to ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained)-opinion piece questions appear in Q1 options as well as Q3 & Q4 options (a) or (b) so needless to say this style of writing needs to be perfected; Q1-40 marks (10%), Q3 and/or Q4-30 marks (7.5%) Grammaire: ‘Le Subjonctif’ |
20 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-orals looming; remain focused! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained) Grammaire: ‘Le Subjonctif’ |
21 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-orals looming; remain focused! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained) Grammaire: ‘L’interrogation’ |
22 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-orals looming; remain focused! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained) Next week students vote for next area of the written course to look at based off their mock results (areas of strengths & areas of improvement) Grammaire: ‘Les Adjectifs’ |
23 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-orals looming; remain focused! Written: Test & continue ‘Essay writing’-key notes & generic expressions + continue current affairs abstract topics (sample answers/synonymous link words/’wow’ sentence structures + key exam strategies on how to achieve full marks explained) Vote for which written part of the course students would like to look at next-top 2 choice will be studied over the first 2 weeks back after the Easter holidays Extra notes uploaded to Edmodo for additional study Grammaire: ‘Les Adjectifs’ |
24 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-home stretch; remain focused! Written: Register of language to study in more detail as per the needs & demands of the class [1st most popular choice] Grammaire: ‘Les Autres Adjectifs Importants’ |
25 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-home stretch-almost there! Written: Register of language to study in more detail as per the needs & demands of the class [2nd most popular choice] Grammaire: ‘Les Adverbes’ |
26 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-home stretch; final exam getting closer-keep working hard! Written: ‘Questions possibles 2021’ Grammaire: ‘Le Comparatif et Le Superlatif’ |
27 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-home stretch; final exam getting closer-keep working hard! Written: ‘Questions possibles 2021’ Grammaire: ‘Les Pronoms Objets Directs et Indirects’ |
28 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 2 comprehensions; Literary [Q1-Q6]-home stretch; final exam getting closer-keep working hard! Written: ‘Questions possibles 2021’ Grammaire: ‘Les Autres Pronoms Importants’ |
29 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension booklet-type 1 comprehensions; Journalistic [Q1-Q6]-home stretch; final exam soon-keep working hard! Written: ‘Questions possibles 2021’ & final recap of the layout of the paper & the 4-5 different types of questions that can appear NB: ONLY ANSWER 3 QUESTIONS ON THE DAY; i.e. Q1 either (a) or (b) which is compulsory and then 2 more questions from Q2, Q3 or Q4 (a) or (b)-also you cannot answer (a) & (b) from the same question-40 marks + 30 marks + 30 marks = 100 marks (25% of overall grade) Grammaire: ‘Les Verbes Modaux / Les Conjonctions / La Voix Passive et Active’ |
30 | Final end of year revision checklists & key exam tips and techniques [End of Term 5 Grinds Sessions] |
Scheme of Work for the Leaving Cert Higher Level French-Oral / Aural / Grammar Grinds Sessions-Niveau Supérieur [for 5th & 6th year students]
**This course covers 3 major competencies necessary for success in the Leaving Certificate Higher level French exam – the Aural, Oral and Grammar components. The complexity of material covered is designed to reflect the demands of the Leaving Certificate in order for students to achieve their full potential by making learning French as fun and as easy as we possibly can.
This course is also intended to build student confidence and conversational technique, ensuring a more relaxed and authentic performance in the Leaving Cert French oral examination.
NB: The Oral Exam accounts for 25% and the Aural Exam accounts for 20% of each Higher Level student’s overall grade
Top Tip: Learn 1-2 key verbs per week in full (by creating & then using flashcards) and aim to learn 10 new French words per day so approximately 60-70 words per week. This will really enhance your grade but especially your ‘Aural’ grade as this part of the exam causes the students to lose the most marks due to the lack of substance to their answers as a result of a low ability vocabulary range. So please do not fall into this trap!
‘Petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid’
= ‘Practice makes perfect’ i.e. ‘With time & effort you achieve your goals’
Please note the following important points:
**All students must bring their own everyday classroom materials + 1A4 manuscript notes copy**
**Unfortunately sharing of any equipment cannot be allowed due to the current health & safety guidelines so students must come prepared with their own materials**
Finally, EXTRA NOTES will be published each week on Edmodo for students to be able to study supplement course material at their own leisure outside of our tuition sessions. We would ask all members to use these digital classrooms platforms on a weekly basis to maximise their overall grade.
Week | Topic covered in each 1 hour 30 minute tuition session [Revision Template] |
1 | Oral: Introduction et Moi-même Aural: Introduction et Vocabulaire Grammaire: Introduction et ‘Le Genre des Noms (Les Substantifs)’ |
2 | Oral: Moi-même (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Présent de l’indicatif / Les Infinitives / Les Pronoms Personnels’ |
3 | Oral: La Famille (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Présent de l’indicatif et les verbes pronominaux’ |
4 | Oral: L’école (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le présent de l’indicatif-le passé récent-le futur proche’ |
5 | Oral: L’école (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé’ |
6 | Oral: L’école (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé’ |
7 | Oral: Les Passe-temps (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé’ [End of Term 1 Grinds Sessions]-Halloween break (1 week) |
8 | Oral: Les Passe-temps (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘L’imparfait’ |
9 | Oral: Les Passe-temps (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘L’imparfait VS. Le Passé Composé’ |
10 | Oral: Le Week-end (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Plus-que-parfait’ |
11 | Oral: Le Week-end (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Futur Simple/Proche/Passé ’ |
12 | Oral: Les Grandes Vacances (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) + ‘LE DOCUMENT’ (option)-introduction & work due Week 15 (first class after Christmas)’ Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Conditionnel Simple/Passé’ |
13 | Oral: Les Grandes Vacances (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) + ‘LE DOCUMENT’ (option)-work due (if applicable) Week 15 (first class after Christmas)’ Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘L’article partitif ‘DE’ et les prépositions’ |
14 | Oral: Les Vacances à L’étranger (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) + ‘LE DOCUMENT’ (option)-introduction & work due Week 15 (first class after Christmas)’ Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Participe Présent ; La révision ; les jeux de grammaires’ [End of Term 2 Grinds Sessions]-Christmas holidays (2 weeks) |
15 | Oral: L’avenir (Après l’école et après la Fac) (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) + ‘LE DOCUMENT’ (option)-Work to be submitted by today for correction (if applicable) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Négatif’ |
16 | Oral: L’avenir (Après l’école et après la Fac) (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Simple’ |
17 | Oral: Que feriez-vous si….. (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Simple’ |
18 | Oral: Les sujets d’actualité (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Subjonctif’ |
19 | Oral: Les sujets d’actualité (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Subjonctif’ |
20 | Oral: Les sujets d’actualité (toutes les questions et les réponses nécessaires) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Subjonctif’ |
21 | Oral: Le Document (si nécessaire) et les épreuves orales pratiques; La Révision Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘L’interrogation’ |
22 | Oral: Le Document (si nécessaire) et les épreuves orales pratiques ; La Révision-key exam techniques & strategies for a high achieving grade in the live oral exam Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Les Adjectifs’ |
23 | Oral: Le Document (si nécessaire) et les épreuves orales pratiques ; La Révision-key exam techniques & strategies for a high achieving grade in the live oral exam Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Les Adjectifs’ |
24 | Oral: Le Document (si nécessaire) et les épreuves orales pratiques ; La Révision [The live French orals are taking place next week]-final tips & reminders Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Les Autres Adjectifs Importants’ |
25 | Oral: LIVE FRENCH ORALS THIS WEEK; BON COURAGE-How did the orals go-feedback session & help for those still to sit the exam Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Les Adverbes’ |
26 | Oral: Any 5th years in the class can be preparing their notes for next year Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] Grammaire: ‘Le Comparatif et Le Superlatif’ |
27 | Oral: Any 5th years in the class can be preparing their notes for next year Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus]-exam tips & techniques explained Grammaire: ‘Les Pronoms Objets Directs et Indirects’ |
28 | Oral: Any 5th years in the class can be preparing their notes for next year Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus]-exam tips & techniques explained Grammaire: ‘Les Autres Pronoms Importants’ |
29 | Oral: Any 5th years in the class can be preparing their notes for next year Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus]-exam tips & techniques explained Grammaire: ‘Les Verbes Modaux / Les Conjonctions’ |
30 | Final end of year revision checklists & key exam tips and techniques [End of Term 5 Grinds Sessions] |
Scheme of Work for the Junior Cycle Common Level French Weekly Grinds Sessions [for 2nd & 3rd year students]
This course is structured to ensure students achieve the best results possible in their Junior Cycle French exam.
Topics from:
- Listening (35% of final grade) and Reading Comprehensions (35% of final grade).
- Writing (20% of final grade) i.e. Letter, Postcard, Message, Blog, Cloze tests
- Grammar.
- Oral components for CBA1 and CBA2 PLUS Assessment Task preparation which is worth 10% of the final grade
The new Junior Cycle French exam is now a Common Level exams which is 2 hours in length. This 2 hour paper makes up 90% of the student’s final grade and the other 10% is made up of their Assessment Task (reflection task based on the learning outcomes assessed in CBA2) completed before the final exam in June not long after students submit their Classroom Based Assessment 2 Language Portfolio.
**Both CBA1 (Oral Communication Task) and CBA2 (Student Language Portfolio) are assessed at a common level for all students based on a ‘Features of Quality Framework’ grading system.**
Please Note: CBA1 takes place in 2nd year and CBA2 takes place in 3rd year-however this year due to the incoming 3rd years not being able to complete their CBA1 task-they will now complete this in 3rd year and NOT complete CBA2 due to time constraints.
Please note the following important points:
**All students must bring their own everyday classroom materials + 1A4 manuscript notes copy**
**Unfortunately sharing of any equipment cannot be allowed due to the current health & safety guidelines so students must come prepared with their own materials**
Finally, EXTRA NOTES will be published each week on Edmodo for students to be able to study supplement course material at their own leisure outside of our tuition sessions. We would ask all members to use these digital classrooms platforms on a weekly basis to maximise their overall grade.
Week | Topic covered in each 1 hour 30 minute tuition session [Revision Template] |
1 | Oral: ‘Moi-même et mes amis’ Aural: Introduction et Vocabulaire ; TOPIC : ‘Moi-même et mes amis’ Past Junior CERT (and SAMPLE) exam papers – Grid with descriptions of friends and family members. Grammaire: Present tense REGULAR as one block – ER IR RE |
2 | Reading Comprehension: Introduction notes to the types of comprehensions, all the question words & strategies that students must familiarise themselves with Written: Le BLOG The informal letter / email (basically a blog) – focus on layouts. Grammaire: Present Tense IRREGULAR verbs 12 main verbs |
3 | Oral: ‘Moi-Même – practice introduction of self and topic for CBA’ General CBA oral workshop, focusing on planning / brainstorming – template provided Maybe between week 8 and 12 in two block periods Aural: Vocabulary & Sample Paper Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Moi-même et ma famille’ Grammaire: Les noms et le genre. |
4 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Moi-même et ma famille’ Written: LE BLOG CTD – add family Grammaire: Irregular verbs – from week 2 second 6 |
5 | Oral: ‘La Famille’ Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Les métiers (et/ou la famille)’ Grammaire: ‘Le Présent de l’indicatif et les verbes pronominaux’ |
6 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Ma Journée Typique’ Written: MOI-MEME ET MES AMIS / MA FAMILLE – Paragraphs as they appear in Q 16 CV based Q in Written Section. Grammaire: STRUCTURE OF SENTENCE FOCUS subject object verb |
7 | Oral: ‘L’heure, la semaine et les saisons’ Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Le Temps’ Grammaire: ADJECTIVES AGREEMENTS – link to family from previous week. |
8 | Reading Comprehension: Cloze test; TOPIC: ‘Le Temps’ Written: Continue ‘La Lettre’ (Informal) Q16 FOCUS : MA MAISON MON QUARTIER à ADJECTIVE USE Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé : AVOIR |
9 | Oral: ‘L’école et les opinions’ J’aime je n’aime pas je déteste etc.… opinion based vocabulary. Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Les matières scolaires’ Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé : ETRE |
10 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Les opinions’ Written: BLOG – adding opinion – posing questions AGREE DISAGREE EXPRESS OPINION – phrases and vocabulary Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé : ETRE VERBS PRONOMINAUX |
11 | Oral: CBA Preparation CBA WORKSHOP OVER 2 SESSIONS – FEEDBACK PROVIDED ORAL COMPONENTS THAT INCLUDE : ORDERING INVITING DIRECTING REQUESTING – these are generally role play oral pieces SESSION 1 Sending a text / invitation SESSION 1 Organising a party date etc. SESSION 2 Directing a taxi to a hotel SESSION 2 Ordering foods / buying clothes / at the chemist etc… Students have templates and examples to work from – can tailor accordingly using similar phrases and expressions. CBA WORKSHOP 1 Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Les Vacances’ Grammaire: Les prepositions – small glue words / link words |
12 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue reading comprehensions: TOPIC: ‘Le voyage’ Written: Preparation and practice of presentation for CBA WORKSHOP 2 Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé : avoir ou être’ |
13 | Oral: Les Passe-temps Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions: TOPIC: ‘Le Transport’ Grammaire: ‘Les prépositions ctd. (sur, dans, sous etc.)’ – directions Prendre un taxi |
14 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Les pays’ Written: Ecole / journée typique / passe- temps PARAGRAPHS Q16 Grammaire: ‘Les prépositions ‘en, au et aux’ avec les pays Partitif |
15 | Oral: Les Passe-temps Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Les Vacances’ Grammaire: ‘Le Négatif’ Basic – Présent |
16 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue reading comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Les Passe-Temps’ Written: Introduction à ‘La Carte Postale’ +les vacances Q16 paragraph. Grammaire: ‘Le Négatif’ PC and other tenses |
17 | Oral: Le Week-end Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘La Maison/Chez Moi’ Grammaire: FUTUR SIMPLE / FUTUR PROCHE (+ NEG) |
18 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Les Tâches Ménagères’ Written: ‘La Carte Postale’ – les phrases clés Grammaire: REVISION :3 tenses in action – in form of postcard |
19 | Oral: Revision of topics (et le week-end) Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘La maison/La ville/ La campagne’ Grammaire: L”IMPARFAIT |
20 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Les Directions’ PREPOSTIONS REVIEW Written: Q 16 PETIT BOULOT/ TRAVAILLER/ TACHES Grammaire: The conditional |
22 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘La Nourriture et Les Repas’ Written: ***focus on exam based written sections at this stage *** LE MEL – MORE INFORMAL FOCUS. LAYOUT PHRASES ETC BRING IN TOPICS AND THEMES TO DATE AS WELL AS MAIN TENSES PRACTICE IN CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS. Grammaire: INSTEAD LE PARTATIF A AND DE – TIE IN WITH FOOD ITEMS |
23 | Oral: ‘Le Marché’ Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘La Nourriture et le Marché’ TYPE matching images Grammaire: LE COMPARATIF / LE SUPERLATIF |
24 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Au restaurant et le Menu’ Written: LE TEXTO (le note / message) – template Grammaire: IMPERATIF – link with note / text requesting someone to do something etc. |
25 | Oral: TOPIC: LA TECHNOLOGIE /LE PORTABLE / LES RÉSEUAX SOCIAUX – and express opinion J’aime je préfère je n’aime pas etc. – opinion based vocabulary WRITTEN: MA TECHNOLOGIE / Mon Portable Q16 Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘Le Corps’ +Avoir mal a + reflexives Type: placing names on body parts / chez le médecin Grammaire: ‘Les Adverbes’ |
26 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘Une Vie Saine’ Written: rester en forme ma santé Q16 Grammaire: LES PRONOMS – recognise – very basic |
27 | Oral: TOPIC: ‘À L’hôpital et Les Médicaments’ Aural: Vocabulary & Listening Comprehensions; TOPIC: ‘La Technologie’ TYPE : Ordering items by quantity rank – les chiffres Grammaire: POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES – révision |
28 | Reading Comprehension: TOPIC: ‘La Ville et La Campagne’ Written: Q16 MON LOOK MON STYLE – les vêtements la mode Grammaire: PRONOMS –in action from reading comprehensions DEMONSTATIVE PRONOUNS – link with clothes BEGIN REVISION |
1 Moi-même et mes amis
2. Ma famille
3. Mon quartier ma maison
4. L’école / Ma journée typique
5. Mes vacances
6. Mon portable
7 Travailler / Mon petit boulot / Les tâches
8. Mon look / Mon style
9. Mon opinion de France / Le français
10 Mes Passe-temps
11 Ma santé
Scheme of Work for the Leaving Cert Ordinary Level French Weekly Grinds Sessions [for 5th & 6th year students]
Online Zoom Grinds so that all students can access this from all over Ireland
**This course covers 5 major competencies necessary for success in the Leaving Certificate Ordinary level French exam – the Aural, Oral, Reading Comprehensions, Written and Grammar components. This course is designed in order for students to achieve their full potential by making learning French as fun and as easy as we possibly can.
This course is also intended to build student confidence and conversational technique, ensuring a more relaxed and authentic performance in the Leaving Cert French oral examination.
NB: The Oral Exam accounts for 20%, the Aural Exam accounts for 25% , Reading Comprehensions accounts for 40% and the Written section accounts for the final 15% of each Ordinary Level student’s overall grade
Top Tip: Learn 1-2 key verbs per week in full (by creating & then using flashcards) and aim to learn 10 new French words per day so approximately 60-70 words per week. This will really enhance your grade but especially your ‘Aural’ grade as this part of the exam causes the students to lose the most marks due to the lack of substance to their answers as a result of a low ability vocabulary range. So please do not fall into this trap!
‘Petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid’
= ‘Practice makes perfect’ i.e. ‘With time & effort you achieve your goals’
Please note the following important points:
**All students must bring their own everyday classroom materials + 1A4 manuscript notes copy**
**Unfortunately sharing of any equipment cannot be allowed due to the current health & safety guidelines so students must come prepared with their own materials**
Finally, EXTRA NOTES will be published each week on Edmodo for students to be able to study supplement course material at their own leisure outside of our tuition sessions. We would ask all members to use these digital classrooms platforms on a weekly basis to maximise their overall grade.
RE aural: Focus on particular themes that are linked to the oral topic of particular session. Pick out the specific sections of interest to max vocab.
Week | Topic covered in each 1 hour 30 minute tuition session [Revision Template] |
1 | Oral: Introduction et Moi-même Aural: Introduction et Vocabulaire MOCK DESCRIPTIONS OF SELF & FRIENDS Grammaire: ADJECTIVES AND POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES |
2 | Reading Comprehension: Introduction notes to the two types of comprehensions and all the question words & strategies that students must familiarise themselves with Written: FOCUS ON ‘BLOG’ TYPE ON SELF AND INTERESTS – CAN BE ADAPTED TO A EMAIL INFORMAL LETTER TYPE ANSWER Grammaire: ‘Le Genre des Noms (Les Substantifs)’ |
3 | Oral: MA FAMILLE ET MES AMIS Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] MOCK WITH FAMILY /FRIENDS DISCUSSION Grammaire LES VERBES-ER, IR & RE-REGUALR PRESENT |
4 | Reading Comprehension: Test on key question words / Start past mock papers reading comprehension (French answers) Written: BLOG EMAIL ADD FAMILY AND FRIENDS – USING GRAMMAR POINTS COVERED – SIMILAR TO FORMULAIRE STYLED REPONSES. Grammaire: IRREGULAR VERBS PRESENT |
5 | Oral: MAISON / QUARTIER Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] LISTENING OPINION LA VILLE OU LA CAMPAGNE Grammaire: ‘Le Présent de l’indicatif et les verbes pronominaux’ |
7 | Oral: L’ECOLE Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] OPINIONS ON SCHOOL SUBJECTS UNIFORM RULES Grammaire: Le Passé Composé- AVOIR verbs |
8 | Reading Comprehension: FRENCH RC FOCUS SPORT Written: Test & continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards (informal & informal) booklet, exercises & sample answers CLOZE TEST EXERCISE ON GRAMMAIRE SO FAR Grammaire: Le Passé Composé-ETRE |
9 | Oral: APRES ECOLE / L’AVENIR Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] L’HEURE NOMBRES EMPLOI DU TEMPS – PROFESSIONS Grammaire: LE FUTUR SIMPLE |
10 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (French answers) FRENCH RC FOCUS- FILM ACTEUR ACTRICE Written: Continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards (informal & informal) booklet, exercises & sample answers LA CARTE POSTALE – BASIC – SCHEME – KEY POINTS Grammaire: LE FUTUR PROCHE – ALLER PARTATIF ‘A’ ALLER AU CINEMA / ALLER A LA PLAGE ETC |
11 | Oral : LES VACANCES /VOYAGER Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] VACANCES VOYAGER PAYS NATIONALITES Grammaire: L’IMPARFAIT – USE- WEATHER/ DESCRIPTIONS – LINK WITH CATRE POSTALE |
12 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (English answers) CLOZE TEST AS CARTE POSTALE (MODEL ANSWER) Written: Test & continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards (informal & informal) booklet, exercises & sample answers LA CARTE POSTALE IMPROVED PERFECTED Grammaire: ‘Le Passé Composé’ L’IMPARFAIT V Passé Composé BASICS |
13 | Oral: Les Passe-temps Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] HOLIDAYING ACTIVITIES INTERESTS HOBBIES Grammaire: EXPRESSIONS WITH FAIRE +PARTATIF ‘DE’ FAIRE DA LA NATATION FAIRE DU SPORT ETC |
14 | Reading Comprehension: Cloze test CLOZE TEST PRACTICE / ENGLISH ANSWER TEXTS TYPE : Written: Continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards, booklet, exercises & sample answers LE JOURNAL INTIME BASIC + LE PASSE RECENT JE VIENS DE … Grammaire: CONDITIONAL – JE VOUDRAIS |
15 | Oral: Les Passe-temps LE JOURNEE TYPIQUE – ECOLE / WEEKEND + REFLEXIVE REVISION Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] WEEKEND TYPIQUE EXAMPLES Grammaire: ‘L’imparfait vs. Le Passé Composé’ – In action in journal intime |
16 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (French answers) CLOZE TEST PRACTICE / ENGLISH ANSWER TEXTS TYPE : Written: Test & continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards booklet, exercises & sample answers LE JOURNAL INTIME – 3 TENSES INCORPORATED Grammaire: ‘L’Imparfait vs. Le Passé Composé’ IL FAUT / JE PEUX / JE DOIS / JE VEUX ETC MODAL |
17 | Oral: LA TECHNOLOGIE – LES RESEAUX SOCIAUX +/- Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] LE PORTABLE =+ / – opinions Grammaire: ‘L’imparfait vs. Le Passé Composé’ LES PREPOSITIONS- POUR CONTRE ETC … |
18 | Reading Comprehension: Cloze test CLOZE TEST PRACTICE / ENGLISH ANSWER TEXTS TYPE : Written: Continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards booklet, exercises & sample answers JOURNAL INTIME FINAL SESSION PERFECT IMPROVED Grammaire: ADVERBS |
19 | Oral: MA SANTE RESTER EN FORME – le corps Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] LE CORPS / CHEZ LE MEDECIN Grammaire: AVOIR MAL A / SE BLESSER / SE COUPER ETC … |
20 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (English answers) FAIRE LA LIGNE RESTER EN FORME Written: Test & continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards booklet, exercises & sample answers LE FORMULAIRE – USE ORAL NOTES FROM FIRST FEW WEEKS – BANK TOGETHER. à MOI-MEME MA FAMILLE MES AMIS MES PASSE-TEMPS MES VACANCES MON ECOLE ETC … Grammaire: FOOD ITEMS GENDER PARTATIF REVISION OF ‘DE’ |
21 | Oral: TRAVAILLER / ARGENT DE POCHE / TACHES / ACHETER Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] LES BOULOTS LES EMPLOIS Grammaire: DIRECT PRONOUNS – RECOGNISE FOR RC ONLY |
23 | Oral: OPINIONS 1 – L’ENVIRONNEMENT OR SIMILAR THEME THAT COULD BE POSED IN ORAL FOR OL STUDENTS – BASIC FORM OPINION 1 or 2 SENTENCES Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] ETRE ECOLO Grammaire: ‘Le Futur Simple/Proche’ PRONOM ‘Y’ RECOGNISE – OR IMPERATIVE |
24 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (French answers) CLOZE TEST PRACTICE / ENGLISH ANSWER TEXTS TYPE Written: Test & continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards booklet, exercises & sample answers Grammaire: PRONOM ‘EN’ RECOGNISE or PARTICIPE PRESENT |
25 | Oral: LIVE FRENCH ORALS THIS WEEK; BON COURAGE– How did the orals go-feedback session & help for those still to sit the exam ORALS DONE Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] LES FAITS DIVERS SECTION 5 OF LISTENING EXAM VOCAB AND EXPRESSIONS LES CHIFFRES LES RESULTATS REVISION Grammaire: ‘Les Adverbes’ PRONOMS REVISION – JUST BE ABLE TO PUT IN ENGLISH? |
26 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (English answers) CLOZE TEST PRACTICE / ENGLISH ANSWER TEXTS TYPE Written: Continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards booklet, exercises & sample answers – FOCUS ON KEY PHRASES AND SENTENCES CLOZE TEST PRACTICE / ENGLISH ANSWER TEXTS TYPE Grammaire: ‘Les Adjectifs et les accords’ REVISION GRAMMATICALE 1 – TENSES : AUJOURD’HUI DEMAIN HIER |
27 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (English and French answers) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] LES FAITS DIVERS – VOCAB 2 LES INCIDENTS Grammaire: ‘Les Pronoms objets directs et indirects, ‘y’ et ‘en’’ REVISION GRAMMATICALE 2 – LES ACCORDS |
28 | Reading Comprehension: Cloze test Written: Continue notes/faxes/emails/letters/postcards booklet, exercises & sample answers – FOCUS ON KEY PHRASES AND SENTENCES AS ABOVE – REVISION OF PRODUCTION TO DATE. KEY POINTS AND SCHEME FOCUS Grammaire: ‘Le Négatif’ (revision, as negation will be covered with each tense) REVISION GRAMMATICALE 3 – LES VERBES IMPORTANTS |
29 | Reading Comprehension: Correct & continue past mock papers reading comprehension (English and French answers) Aural: Vocabulary & Mock Paper Listening Comprehensions [Exam practice & focus] LES FAITS DIVERS VOCAB 3 – LE METEO Grammaire: ‘Les Articles Partitifs’ REVISION GRAMMATICALE 4 – PARTATIF |
30 | Reading Comprehension: Revision on approaching the comprehension and exam preparation AS ABOVE GERNERAL REVISION OF RC – FOCUS ON FRENCH ANSWERS HINTS AND TIPS / MANIPLAUTION / DIRECT QUOTE / STRATEGY Written: Revision of KEY PHRASES AND SENTENCES & writing tasks AS ABOVE – REVISION OF PRODUCTION TO DATE. KEY POINTS AND SCHEME FOCUS Grammaire: Revision of key concepts, addressing any questions GRAMMAIRE CHECKLISTS – MAIN ITEMS TO FOCUS ON STUDENT FEEDBACK Final end of year revision checklists & key exam tips and techniques |