Chapitre 10_ Abstract topics (opinion questions _ answers)-for oral _ written exam


SKU: frch-notes-ch-11 Category:

The French oral exam accounts for 25% of the total marks at Higher Level and 20% at Ordinary Level. 

Description: Mr Niall Murphy, the Founder and Director of Education & Studies at The Carlow Academy, is a secondary school teacher of French & Mathematics since 2007. He has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in French and Mathematics from N.U.I. Maynooth where he achieved 1st class honours. He has been employed as a State French Oral Examiner since 2013 and has worked as a Written State Examiner for several years.

Niall has spent over a decade of his career writing and perfecting his own French oral notes covering all key information and topics for the Leaving Certificate oral exam and acquired French native speakers to record his notes. Both male and female voices are represented throughout the recordings with different accents from across France. Also, he lists a variety of different ways that each question can be asked by the Examiner on the day of the oral exam itself so students are not blindsided. He shares his expertise as a State French Oral Examiner on how and why students need to learn how to take control of the conversation and emphasises the importance of expanding on all answers in a very easy manner. Effective learning requires structure and this is what Niall’s  notes have achieved. Students can learn oral French in a fun and easy to follow manner so that they can perform to their highest standard on the day.

He refers to the ‘SHSH’ method throughout his notes which references Chapters 1-4 of his notes as these 4 chapters normally take up 6-7 minutes of the overall approximate 12 minute oral exam.

Remember: SAY WHAT CAN YOU SAY; NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY i.e. do not bring a topic if you are unable to expand on it as you will be penalised for this in your overall grade

Topics covered throughout all 11 packages:

Chapitre 0: Introduction to the LC French Oral Exam + Subjunctives & Pronouns / Key Vocabulary / Expressions / Final Tips / Essential One-Liners / On the day of the exam key advice & a full list of useful digital tools to improve pronunciation & listening skills]

Chapitre 1:   Moi-même

Chapitre 2:   La famille

Chapitre 3:   L’école

Chapitre 4:    Les passe-temps / Les loisirs

Chapitre 5:    Le week-end

Chapitre 6:    L’été / Les grandes vacances

Chapitre 7:    Les vacances / À l’étranger

Chapitre 8:    L’avenir / L’année prochaine / La carrière

Chapitre 9:    Que feriez-vous si……..

Chapitre 10:  Les sujets d’actualité

NB: These notes must not be shared or copied by any person(s) who do not purchase them through this website.

© Mr Niall Murphy & The Carlow Academy

**Plenty more notes coming soon-please keep an eye out for when they become available**